Halie Loren’s latest album, “Dreams Lost and Found”, is out worldwide today, April 12!
Stream it on your favorite platform: https://halieloren.ffm.to/dreamslostandfound
Buy the album (download or CD format): halieloren.bandcamp.com/album/dreams-lost-and-found

This collection of songs explores themes of longing, seeking, and seeing with new eyes — the falling away of old illusions and outgrown desires, finding new visions for love and life, allowing some dreams to die to make space for new dreams to be born.
The album captures the live essence of her music, that has led to tours and performances for
audiences worldwide. The 14-song effort sees Halie lend her take on standards, originals, and
her personal favorites.
Halie adds: “This album marks my return to a more jazz-oriented musical sound, but forged in a
completely new environment of creativity (quite literally, in that I traveled to Montreal to record
for the first time) that brought my improvisational spirit to the forefront—in no small part inspired
by collaborating with masterful musicians Taurey Butler on piano, Morgan Moore on bass, Sam
Kirmayer on Guitar, and Jim Doxas on drums. Though I have performed for years with most of
these amazingly talented people, we’ve never before recorded together… to me, it was like we
were dancing on the edge of the unknown when creating these songs. It felt very alive in the
moment, and I think that comes through the music”